…. is my drive to explore culture, as we see it, in the world around us.
Culture is defined as a particular way of life, embodied in us….it is living…breathing…it is, well, who we are.
I have been interested in studying new cultures and experiencing ‘new ways of life’ for as long as I can remember.
Whether it was ziplining through the jungles of Costa Rica, sitting on the floor of a Sikh Temple surrounding by vibrant colours and spicy food, or getting blistered feet from dancing too hard at a summer wedding in Italy.
I realized that it doesn’t matter who you are, what language you speak, what religion you practice- we all have one thing in common: we are a living, breathing, expression of culture.
We all live for human connection, community, and finding true happiness.
I have had some incredible experiences over the past few years, where I got the chance to meet locals who inspired me, embark on crazy adventures, and taste incredible food…and I can’t wait to share it all with you!
So stick around and join me… as I keep chasing cultures!